Sunday, October 4, 2015

5 Entrepreneurs Who Tasted Success Late in Life

They say "Better late than ever". People start to plan their retirement life as early as they hit their Forty's. Things are pretty much regular and in order as they plan things out for their family and children well in advance. However, some breed of people says "I think I just hit Puberty" at the age of 40 and couldn't stay away from exploration and experimentation.

Today, little ones are becoming entrepreneurs as soon as they learn to stand on their feet. They establish themselves early in life and prepare for a healthy secure life as early as they get married (or may be not?!).

Few people, even though they started early, continue to work after the age of retirement (40, 50 or 60?! your pick); Warren Buffet is one of them. There are, however, few who started much later in their lives and tasted success much later. Some people call them late bloomers and think it's too late to start out new Big Things - but who cares?!

1. Colonel Harland Sanders - 65


“I think a dream is just a suggestion to start something out, do something.”

Today, being the second largest fast-food chain in the world, KFC is first priority for everyone to have Fried-Chicken. It was founded by Sanders in 1930 at a rent free small service station in North Corbin, Kentucky at the age of 65. May be, you want to tell him about Colonel to your Dad if he's planning for retirement!

2. Arianna Huffington - 55


"But you have to do what you dream of doing even while you're afraid."

One of the most influential women in media, Arianna launched in 2005 at the age of 55. Even before launching the world famous blog & news site, Arianna started few other websites; & In 2003, Arianna ran a campaign for Governor of California which helped her raise $1 million online and the power of internet sparked her eyes the first time.

3. Henry Ford - 40


"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."

At least once in your lifetime you might have heard the name "Ford". Yes, it is the name of the an American industrialist who created what today is known as "Ford Motor Company". Ford was the first American company to manufacture and sell cars. Ford launched his company in 1903 at the age of 40. Not too old though, but how many think of starting something new at this age anyway?!

4. Sam Walton - 44


"I had to pick myself up and get on with it, do it all over again, only even better this time."

Sam Walton is known for founding the one of the largest retail corporation, Walmart, at the age of 44. Walmart is the world's largest company by revenue and also happens to be world's biggest private employer. Sam had immense experience with handling a store prior to finding Walmart. He understood the importance of distributing the shelves evenly with a variety of products just to make customer feel "too many option to chose from". Walmart, even today, is a great example of retailing an supply chain in the entire world.

5. Charles Flint - 61


"Ambition and thirst for power have a part but greed and greed alone is the reason for a man wanting to swell his ward."

Charles, unlike others, consolidated several companies to form his company in 1911. It was known as Computing-Tabulating-Recording-Company then which was named International Business Machines or IBM in 1924. IBM is one of the best company in terms of revenue and profit.

He founded this at the age of 61. Like everyone else, Charles worked at various places before settling in life with IBM at a later age. He was also an avid sportsman and loved swimming, hunting, fishing, sailing, and aviation.

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